Everything in life works better when you’re fitter

Exercise and clutter clearing are two of the best antidotes to feeling stuck. Keeping yourself in good shape will help motivate you to get your home in good shape too.


A curious thing about the human body is that, generally speaking, the more you use it, the better it works. It’s the exact opposite of man-made things that wear out quicker the more you use them.

We are designed to move, and when the glow of youthful vitality fades, all sorts of things start to go wrong if we don’t exercise enough. Lymph congeals, muscles weaken, flab appears, and before you know it, everyday tasks feel much harder to do. Spend some time toning your body each day and you start to feel better, look better, and have more energy.

Exercising and clutter clearing

Exercising is the perfect companion for clutter clearing. When your body’s in good shape, you will tend to want your home to feel the same way too.

In fact I would go so far as to say that it’s rare for anyone who keeps themselves fit to have much clutter at home, and certainly not the deep-seated kind of clutter that can build up when a person’s body becomes stodgy through inactivity.

I’ve also noticed that people who exercise tend to procrastinate less too. When you move your body, you are more likely to get things done and move forward in life instead of getting stuck in a rut.

Does it matter which you begin with?

It may sometimes happen that clutter clearing leads to wanting to exercise more, but it’s much more likely that exercising will inspire you to do clutter clearing. However you don’t have to become a fitness freak to get the benefits. Just begin with one minute per day and work up from there.

I once attended a photography course where the teacher was asked, ‘What’s the best camera to have?’ To which he replied, ‘The one you have with you at the time you want to take a photo’.

It’s the same with exercising. What’s the best kind of exercise? The kind you actually do!

Copyright © Clear Space Living Ltd 2016, updated 2022

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About Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston is a leading expert in clutter clearing, space clearing, feng shui, and healthy homes. Her two international bestselling books have combined sales of over three million copies in 26 languages and have established themselves as "must-read" classics in their fields. Her best-known title, Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui, is now in its fifth edition. She is best known for her perspective-changing insights and practical solutions that enable more conscious navigation of 21st-century living.
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4 Responses to Everything in life works better when you’re fitter

  1. Thanks Karen. Yes I feel this one and need to get going and back to my walking. Have been lax of late. Maybe that is why I feel an energy drop, when something just doesn’t seem to fit quite right. I sense a glass of water coming on too….

  2. YES could get up from my computer and enjoy cleaning out my bookcase Thanks so much for your words of wisdom. It is very satisfying to say DID IT

  3. So true!
    When you are ill and cannot excercise, but normally have good excercise habits ,then it become very apparent that everything gets ‘stuck’ :0)

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