Total eclipse of a room full of clutter

Total eclipse

Some people like to clutter clear in silence. Others find it helps to have some upbeat music playing. I don’t generally recommend watching TV at the same time because it’s usually too much of a distraction. But the story I’m about to tell is definitely an exception.

How to harness the power of joy

During the final part of a 21-day online Fast Track Clutter Clearing courses I taught in August 2017, one of the participants (who shall remain anonymous but has given me full permission to share this) decided to tackle a room in her home that has been accumulating clutter for over twelve years.

Here’s how it looked at the start of the session:

Before the eclipse

Before the eclipse

And here’s the jubilant message she posted later that day:


I was so excited to get up this morning. While clearing, I played NASA’s Live YouTube of the solar eclipse the whole time! Every 10-15 minutes, it went to the next major city that experienced the TOTAL ECLIPSE!!!!!!!!

In each city, all the people at the viewing site cheered with excitement, amazement and awe!!!! It was a beautiful emotional response, with folks hooting, clapping and hollering. I just didn’t expect the continuous awe during my clearing process!!!

I felt that every 10 minutes, when a new city was visited going into full eclipse, that everyone there was cheering for me on my progress!

It was mind blowing. I cried in delight as I heard everyone’s joy, over and over again, celebrating the total eclipse the whole time that I was clearing.  I owned the celebration, over and over again!

During the eclipse

During the peak of the eclipse (60% in her part of the US)

After the eclipse

After the eclipse

She moved mountains of clutter during the course and this was her grand finale, riding on the extraordinary exhilaration across the US in response to this rare event. You can’t bottle joy, but this sure as heck shows you can harness it for your own purposes if you’re bold enough to seize the wave and ride it.

There are about 240 solar eclipses each century but a coast-to-coast event such as this is extremely rare, so please don’t wait for one in your part of the world if you have any clutter to clear. Any time is a good time, and the best time to start is today!

Copyright © Karen Kingston 2017

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Copyright © Karen Kingston 2017

About Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston is a leading expert in clutter clearing, space clearing, feng shui, and healthy homes. Her two international bestselling books have combined sales of over three million copies in 26 languages and have established themselves as "must-read" classics in their fields. Her best-known title, Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui, is now in its fifth edition. She is best known for her perspective-changing insights and practical solutions that enable more conscious navigation of 21st-century living.
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One Response to Total eclipse of a room full of clutter

  1. How wonderful…that continuous motivation could be applied to a lot of other things we tend to procrastinate with…or even for a marathon runner to hear. Like a lot of things we do in life, we need to psyche ourselves up for clutter clearing. Happy clearing everyone!

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